Coming back from a Dr. appointment for the baby, we hit some caches!
1: Toone’s Travel Bug Repository. 40° 31.658 N 111° 54.427 W. Amelia found this one in a very clever hiding place. We left a travel bug in it! she also had to make sure we got her ice cream cone in the picture. 4 year olds are funny.

2. Neff Station and Halfway House. 40 33.797 N 111 53.466 W. I grew up in this area and have passed this place hundreds of times, but today was the first day I even knew there was a monument here. It is great when geocaching can teach you history as well as have the treasure hunt!

It has been a while since I updated this page, even after I started it. I am just going to list a bunch of caches that we have found and searched for in two week increments. If you want the coordinates, e-mail me otherwise they are all on Geocaching.com under our name of 6matthews. Pictures are there with each cache, or over on our Pictures Page.
3. Amelia found South Towne Falls where we traded a travelbug for a geocoin.
4. Dad and Amelia found Mall Ring Road. This was a fun one with a creative place to hide a good sized cache.
1. We searched and Leatha finally found All My Life’s a Circle.
2. Just up the road, Cameron knew where to look for Ohio and found it in record time, before anyone else could get out of the car!
We then had to place a cache in the next roundabout. We placed Round and Round and Under the Stone.
3. Amelia found another cache with Can You See Me Now?
4. Leatha and Mom spotted Stream Side at the same time.
5. Amelia found another one with Bridge View.
6. The kids wanted to play so Dad went back for the car, and just happened to find Boulder Climbing Dogi Pot all by himself.
1. Amelia found C-Rock while waiting for Dad.
2. Cameron Found The 2nd Billy Cache.
3. Cameron found the next one as well, and it needs help! Pa…Where did we park?
4. Leatha found one she had to be lifted up to get at Take A Number.
1. Leatha found Marmot’s Hide Out.
2. Leatha also found Scud.
3. Cameron almost got distracted by the horses but did manage to find 82.
Then there was a whole section of 4 that we didn’t find. We are heading back to the fishing spot to try again later.
4. Mom and Leatha found Indian Peace Treaty at the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers monument. Another history lesson for them!
5. We saw a cache that looked like fun and Amelia pulled out KMB Big Pine. This one was fun because it was big and had lots of things to trade for.
6. We counted this one as found when Cameron did find a lid and a star wars picture in Wasatch to Star Wars- Jedi Training Hall.
7. Leatha found All Aboard while Cameron was distracted with the trains.
8. Leatha also found Daddy Day Camp at the other end of the parking lot.
9. Amelia is getting quite a few caches and another one with Skate On!
10. And finally, we were on our way home and stopped to get gas when they noticed another cache nearby. Cameron went and found STB, GWF &G99 in Heber.
There are many more caches yet to come including our 100th!