Apr 202011

Another day and a few more caches!  We even placed 2 caches this day.

1:  Certainly Thin.  40° 41.162 N 111° 58.485 W.  Dad found this one right where it was supposed to be!

2:  Everybody’s Talkin.  40° 41.759 N 112° 00.313 W.  Leatha found this cache and traded stuff in it!

3: we Searched for another cache called Take Me Out to the Ballgame.  Unfortunately, the baseball games decided to start right about then so we had to skedaddle.  Too many muggles showed up.  We will head back out to hunt this one later.

4:  Garden of Weedin.  40° 41.574  112° 01.842W.  Mom found this cache hiding where it said it was!

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