Hello everyone. We have discovered a new hobby that, well, if you are reading this, you already know about. We have discovered Geocaching and we are incredible excited about it. This site is going to host a chronicle of all of our geocaching adventures. Please see our “About” page for more information on the 6matthews. Later, I am going to have a selection of hand carved wooden styluses (styli??) for sale. There may even be a few in caches that we visit!
Following is a recap of our first few days of geocaching.
Sunday 20 February 2011
Our very first day of Geocaching took some getting used to. From figuring out how to use the GPS to figuring out how the little arrow moved in relationship to the cache. We went the wrong way more than once.
The first Cache we went for was called “The Rock of our Fathers” at 40.68193 N 111.99737 W. Now I am not going to tell exactly where the cache is, but it was not too hard a find. Leatha, our 10 year old, spotted it and claimed it! This one was a log only and we signed it. The kids were a bit disappointed there was nothing to trade but how many caches are around here? I have 500 in our CITY alone, and that is just the closest ones to our house. We should find plenty.
From the first cache we walked to another one that was only about 1/3 of a mile away. It was called “A neighborhood, A dairy, a “Quiet” place“. This one was at 40.68183 N 111.99329W. We found where it was supposed to be but didn’t find the cache as it was growing dark. I got another clue from the owner and we are going back to find it at another time. We were looking for the wrong things in that place. These are sneaky people who hide caches and their placement can be, unconventional to my thinking. But then I was never very good at puzzles.
**editors note: we went back and found it with no problems!**
The third cache we hit on the 20th was actually near the store we were going to anyway. It was called “The Queens Swedish Cache” at 40.50985 N 111.89297W. This one had the kids excited all the way through the store and we went for it after the store was closed. We were some of the last people out. This one was tricky because the clue had been changed by the store. We did find this cache, Cameron, our 7 year old, found it and was very excited. These kids are going to be addicted early!
Monday 21 February 2011
Out shopping for groceries this time and found a cache right by the store. This one was called “5 way stop, whos got the green?” at 40.69113N 111.95552W. We thought that this one was gone but Leatha found it again.
We also noticed another cache across the street and went for it. This was “What a thought!” at 40.69392 N 111.95970W. It happened to be at the city hall. City cars and police cars were all over the parking lot. Cameron found this one but they were all disappointed the kit promised in the clues was not there. So we signed the log and headed home.
Tuesday 22 February 2011
We decided to hit a couple of more geogcaches today.
The first of the day we found just by driving and watching the GPS. It is fun to see how many caches are actually around. This one was called “Extra Extra read all about it” at 40.66732 N 112.02513 W. It happened to be at the newspaper office. We found it in a sneaky place!
The second was called “No Dumping Here” at 40.39384 N and 112.01911 W. We walked for a bit to get to this one because we are rookies with the GPS! there is a scale zoom it seems…..1/4 mile out things look very close indeed. We did find this cache close to the place it was supposed to be but it was wet and we couldn’t sign the log.
The next cache was just up the road called “Cache in Acres” at 40.65460 N 112.03123 W. It was an easy find and Amelias first! It was also the first to have treasures in it, Amelia traded a kalidescope for a small dinosaur.
We are looking forward to many more caching adventures!